Fancy a discount on your bar bill?
We are closing in on the final stretch, but as anyone who’s ambled past our high-tech funding thermometer emblazoned across the side of the pub will know, there’s still more fundraising to be done.
If you haven’t yet got round to buying your shares, there’s no time like the present. Click here to start.
If you came along to the community meeting in the Victoria Rooms, no doubt you can already reel off all the reasons why buying community shares in The Globe is a good idea. Just in case the sands of time have caused memories to fade (or perhaps you couldn’t make it to the meeting), here are a few benefits…
Benefits of the Benefit Society
As little as 1 share will get you a seat at the community Everyone who buys shares will have a vote on the big decisions being put to shareholders as the process of buying The Globe progresses
Money off your bar bill… All shareholders will get a 5% discount for as long as the Milverton Community Benefit Society has ownership of The Globe
Protect your house value Research shows that house prices in villages with a pub are 6-7% higher than those without. If you own your home, then buying shares in The Globe is a smart move to protect what is likely your biggest asset
A pub at the heart of the village: Perhaps the most important reason of all to buy shares, you are investing in your community. The Globe is not just the centre of the village, it is the beating heart and you can be a part of that
Update on the Government Grant
We have had some excellent news, as of the 21st May our application has been progressed to the next round of assessment. Passing that hurdle has taken a considerable amount of work. The next round involves in depth due diligence being undertaken and the view of the committee is this is a good sign. Why? Well, going through that process is in itself an investment of time and resources by those making the grant decisions.
What if we aren’t successful? Thankfully we have also been told that if there are parts of the application which need improvement, we will still be invited to apply in the final funding round by the 26th June. Hopefully, it won’t come to that though and the current signs are pointing towards success.
What can you do in the meantime?
Whilst we await the outcome for our application for the grant, there are three key things you can do to help us move forward and support our wonderful pub:
Buy some shares now and watch that total on the thermometer rise
We are holding our first fund-raising event: Come along to the Methodist Church for a Cream Tea on the 1st June. It’s £7 per person with proceeds going to support the Milverton Community Benefit Society fund
Support The Globe without delay; head down for a drink or perhaps dinner with a warm welcome from Mark and Adele
We hope to see you propping at the bar in the not too distant future.